Adam J. Long
16th March - 20th April 2024
Opening reception 2-5pm 16th March
I was working downtown and I had just completed a shift waiting tables at my night job. It was late… 11:30 or 12. I had planned to go out after work to see what I might discover. It was 2017 and such a weird time. Things that I never imagined taking place… were taking place. I figured if I could go out and make sense of the world through my photographs that maybe it would bring some solace.
In retrospect I bet I looked pretty out of place in my black slacks, my neatly pressed white button-down shirt and a black necktie. I stood next to my car with a camera in one hand and my flash in the other, trying to figure out why the gear that worked earlier in the day, was not working now. Then I saw something on the wall move. I looked over and yelled “stop!” A rat had frozen in time in the recess of a wall. It seemed as though it had listened to me? I framed the rat and attempted to make its picture, this time my gear worked. I told the rat to hold-on, it did… I wasn’t convinced by the first picture, I needed another. I tried 2 more frames without success. I moved a few steps closer and made another picture, this one also worked. I yelled “thank you” and it took off.
That’s how it began. I continued to walk the street until COVID hit and the country continued to progress in its unimaginable trajectory. These pictures are things I have stumbled upon while out walking the city in the dark. They are a reaction to my surroundings. Ultimately, these photographs are a visceral response to the abrasive tumultuous times.
— Adam J. Long

adam j. long
Adam J Long was born in Washington State in 1978. He studied photography in Los Angeles, California (BA), Sunderland, England (MA) and Hartford, Connecticut (MFA). His photographs have been exhibited internationally and are in the permanent collection of The Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, The Hirsch Library – Museum of Fine Arts Houston, and the Colorado Photographic Arts Center, among others. He currently resides in Newberg, OR with his wife and three children where he teaches photography.
Instagram: @adamjlong